This guide will show you how to reset your site and choose a new theme. You may want to reset your website if you did not like the previously chosen theme.
Login to SitePad
You will need to login to SitePad first to be able to reset the theme. The procedure to login is listed here.
Reset the Site
You can see the reset button in the top bar.

You can reset either the :
- Full site
- Only the Pages
- Only the blog posts

After Reseting your Full site, you will be redirected to complete the setup process to set up your next site.

Click on the "Get Started" button to proceed to the next level.

Now you will need to select/choose a theme for your website. You can also search for a Theme through Theme Search Option. Checkout Theme details. Once you find a theme suitable for your website you can click on the Select button to set the theme as a default theme for your Website Editing.

In the Details level, you can change the site details from your previous pre-defined details to your new details or you can keep the details same like the earlier one. After filling all these details you need to click on the "Proceed with Install" button to proceed to the last level.

Finally, you have successfully set up the site, This is the last level of the entire setup process. Once you hit this level, you will be automatically redirected to the "Sitepad Editor" within 5 seconds.

After redirecting, you will see the Home page of your website in the edit mode of SitePad Editor. Now you can start editing your website Home page and also you can close the SitePad Editor using the close button. After clicking the close button, you will redirect to the SitePad Dashboard.
And you have successfully reset your old template and imported new one.