OverviewDo you want to Resell SitePad licenses from WHMCS ?
This guide will help you to setup WHMCS licensing module to resell SitePad Licenses. Setting this up is very easy.
Download and Upload
Download the Module : Sitemush_License.zip
Unzip it and upload the files sitemush.php and noc_api.inc to the following path
Editing a Product/Service
This guide assumes you have already setup WHMCS and created your product. You can find detailed guides on the WHMCS Docs. Once the Product is setup you can move ahead with setting up the Module.
Setup Module
This option can be found while editing the Product/Service in Module Settings Tab.
- Select the Module Name as SitePad.
- Enter the Softaculous NOC account details i.e. Softaculous Username and Softaculous Password. These details are required as the licenses will be issued under this account.
Note : This account should be a NOC account because the API can be used only by NOCs.
- Now choose the option when you want the module to be executed. Just remember that SitePad license will be issued as per the method you select to execute the module.

Once you are done hit the Save Changes button and that's it you are done.
Custom Fields
After Save Changes go to custom fields and check the fields License IP, License Key and License ID are already added, if not the then please add the above fields and click the Save Changes button.

Success Message
When the page reloads the following message will be shown in case of success :

Error Message
Incase of Failure errors will be shown :

Similarly you can test the Suspend, Unsuspend, Terminate, View License commands.
- In case of Suspend the Auto Renewals of the license will be cancelled (if any).
- In case of Terminate the license will be cancelled and if the license was issued less than 7 days ago the transaction will be refunded.
- In case of View License you will be redirected to Softaculous Client Center.
Edit IP
- Users can also Edit the IP from the Product details page.
- Enter the New IP and click on Change IP button.
- The IP will be changed on SitePad licensing servers.

If you need any assistance then please contact SitePad Support. Please send us a screenshot of the Order Form and the Custom Fields you added to the Product.
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